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Support The Women and
Children In Our Shelter
Established as a not for profit organisation in 2019, and opening our doors on Christmas Eve in 2019, Parramatta Women's Shelter is a community led shelter that has assisted over 250 women and children escaping domestic and family violence and homelessness.
Support The Women and Children in Our Shelter
Established as not for profit organisation in 2019, and opening our doors on Christmas Eve in 2019, Parramatta Women's Shelter is a community led shelter that has assisted over 250 women and children escaping domestic and family violence and homelessness.
Women’s Community Shelter

Parramatta Women’s Shelter supports new beginnings for women and children who need a safe place to stay. We provide crisis accommodation and outreach support to women and children escaping domestic & family violence and homelessness, and specialise in housing larger families.

We utilise the social franchise model, so our supporters are key to the success of PWS and the women and children we serve. We welcome sponsors and donors who share our vision for a future free from domestic and family violence, gender-based discrimination and homelessness.

Get Involved
There are many ways you can support us or get involved with Parramatta Women’s Shelter.
Support our shelter
Almost 100% of the funds donated go directly towards supporting our staff and clients with accommodation, education, employment and legal assistance. Any amount, small or large, is so appreciated.
Upcoming Events
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Get Help
National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service
NSW Domestic Violence Crisis Line
NSW Link2Home Crisis Accommodation and Referrals
If you are in an emergency, call